Elektron senagat belleýişlerini çözmek kararyna eýe
There is no need additional force to the object to be processed during the processing process, so it is especially suitable for use in small parts and electronic components with high requirements. güýç ýok, deformasiýa edilmegine sebäp bolmaýar. The development of laser marking can promote the industry's innovation in marking and coding, and it can also promote the rapid development of the electronic industry. Elektron harytlar pudagy ýa-da lazer belligi bolsun, geljekde has gowy ösüş bolar. Elektroniki pudaga täze itergi sanjym etmek.

Çoka dürli önümleriň dürli önümlerinde ulanylýan elektron önümleri üçin aýratyn ýöriteleşdirilen bellige almagyň çözgütlerini hödürläp biler.
Küýze marketri maşyn
●Çalt bellige alyş tizligi, täjirçilik möhleti, uzak ýol durmuşy.
●CHUKE software can create any traceability Codes, Logos,Serial numbers, Graphics, Bar Codes, Dates etc.